

Pantomime for youngest


Concept, Directed by, Performed by:
  • Radim Vizváry
  • Matouš Hekela
Set design:
  • Radim Vizváry
Costume design:
  • Petra Vlachynská
  • David Prokopič
  • Karel Šimek
  • Mime Prague z.s.
  • 29. 11. 2015, DIOD Jihlava
One big role of paper – that’s all it takes for children to see a world unravel on stage full of fantasy, games and adventures. At first, the mischievous narrator just plays with the paper, but is soon engulfed by the clean and supple material. He is accompanied by a shy little boy – Paperboy. Together they discover the mysteries of a paper world which they soon find is also full of danger and suspense.
This non-verbal fairy-tale on a minimalist set works to great degree with the audience’s imagination. The hands of experienced puppeteer and mime Radim Vizváry are able to conjure fantastic fairy-tale scenes from paper. He also invites children from the audience to join him on stage to act out situations.
This performance is suitable for children aged 4 and up.
June 2025
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